Category: glossary

  • First Global Report on the State of Artificial Intelligence in Legal Practice

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is causing significant changes in the legal industry. The “First Global Report on the State of AI in Legal Practice” by the Liquid Legal Institute comprehensively analyses this integration. The report covers key topics such as the basics of AI, the historical use of AI in legal services, and the current state […]

  • China and the
    great global AI
    governance divide

    There is a significant divide between China and several democracies regarding the governance of Artificial Intelligence (AI). While democracies strive to instil their values into global AI governance and prohibit anti-democratic and illiberal AI applications, China’s Global AI Governance Initiative does not prioritise the protection of democracy and human rights. The Chinese government is already […]

  • Could Generative AI help solve the law’s access dilemma?

    Regulators face the challenge of balancing accessibility and dependability when ensuring the quality of products and services. Accessibility is a combination of affordability and convenience, while dependability is a combination of proficiency and trustworthiness. Regulators have to compromise to create a market that is both accessible and dependable, working well for buyers and sellers while […]

  • Taxonomy of Contract Logic

    In the world of contract management, there are three different types of contract logic to consider. The first type is contract assembly logic, used to create a contract that the parties involved could sign. The second type is contract definition logic, which describes the terms and conditions of the agreement in detail. Finally, we have […]

  • Can AI Be as Creative as Humans?

    Creativity is an essential aspect of human progress and innovation, but it’s hard to measure and evaluate. In Recent developments, advanced AI models can do creative tasks that were once only possible for humans, raising the question of how to assess AI’s creative potential responsibly.  This paper proposes a new idea called Relative Creativity, which […]

  • Recent cases raise questions about the ethics of using AI in the legal system

    Earlier this year, a Colorado judge suspended a lawyer for using ChatGPT to draft a legal document. The lawyer was suspended because ChatGPT, a large language model, sometimes provides factual information and sometimes provides fake information, known as hallucinations. In this case, the chatbot created fake legal citations that were used in a real court […]

  • How To Simplify Crafting Responsible AI Policies

    In business, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) promises to enhance operational efficiencies, reduce service costs, and improve overall work life. However, this transformative technology comes with a dual nature, capable of elevating productivity and accentuating biases, sparking transparency concerns, and posing threats to privacy. Consequently, legal teams find themselves at the forefront, navigating the […]

  • In Case of ‘Real Lawyers Against A Robot Lawyer,’ Federal Court Dismisses Law Firm’s Suit Against DoNotPay for Unauthorized Law Practice

    A Chicago law firm, MillerKing, LLC, filed its class action lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois earlier this year, alleging false association and false advertising under the Lanham Act and Illinois state law. The complaint alleged (1) a violation of the Lanham Act for false affiliation, connection, association, sponsorship, […]

  • Lawyers learn too late that chatbots aren’t built to be accurate; how are judges and bars responding?

    Suresh Venkatasubramanian, a computer scientist and director of the Center for Technology Responsibility at Brown University, told the Washington Post that he’s not surprised that AI chatbots are making up case citations. “What’s surprising is that they ever produce anything remotely accurate…The chatbots are designed to make conversation and to come up with plausible-sounding answers […]

  • Thomson Reuters launches series of Generative AI solutions for legal professionals

    Thomson Reuters has announced a generative AI-based toolkit to enable legal professionals to quickly gather deeper insights and deliver a better work product. AI-Assisted Research on Westlaw Precision allows customers to ask complex legal research questions in natural language and quickly receive synthesized answers, with links to supporting authority from Westlaw content and links to […]