Tag: Legal education

  • Artificial intelligence used to replicate Brown v. Board of Education oral arguments

    Brown v. Board of Education was decided 70 years ago. There are no existing audio recordings of the arguments in which Thurgood Marshall, the then-NAACP chief counsel, opposed school segregation, nor are there recordings of Chief Justice Earl Warren reading the opinion from the bench. Jerry Goldman, the founder of Oyez, utilised AI to replicate […]


    The guidelines for using AI in litigation in the Supreme Court of Victoria emphasise the importance of understanding AI limitations, ensuring privacy and confidentiality, avoiding misleading other participants, disclosing the use of AI programs, exercising professional judgment in reviewing AI-generated text, using specialised legal AI tools, and checking that AI-generated text is current, accurate, and […]

  • RAG Systems Can Still Hallucinate

    The retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) technique has not entirely eliminated the issue of hallucinations in Lexis+ AI while answering legal questions. It is recommended to ask vendors which sources are included in the generative AI tool and only ask questions that can be answered from that data. It is also advised to always read the cases […]

  • The responsible machine problem

    The legal system faces challenges in extending its principles to machines. Liability, accountability and agency are complex issues attributing to entities without consciousness or intent. As technology advances, the legal system must evolve to address the unique challenges posed by integrating machines into societal roles traditionally held by humans. AI systems are becoming increasingly capable […]

  • Mapping (almost) every law, regulation and case in Australia

    The first map of Australian law is a collection of laws, regulations, and cases in the Open Australian Legal Corpus. The map displays the similarity or dissimilarity between any two documents and is colour-coded based on their respective categories. The map was developed using semantic mapping, allowing a high-resolution internet map to be created. The […]

  • Charting the (New) Course: Generative AI For Lawyers 

    Suffolk Law’s Legal Practice Skills program and Legal Innovation & Technology Institute created a Generative AI for Lawyers course that was a 2-credit, one-week intersession full-day in-person elective in January 2024, with 25 upper-level students. The period covered various generative AI tools, including ChatGPT3.5, 4.0, Perplexity, Google Bard, Microsoft Bing, and Claude, and addressed emerging […]

  • Welcome to AI university

    In the conversation about the future of artificial intelligence in society, universities sit at a crucial spot. They face a dilemma regarding AI: it could accelerate their research, but it could also lead to mistakes. They have a lot of confidential data that could train AI, but they must protect it. They must prepare students for […]

  • Taxonomy of Contract Logic

    In the world of contract management, there are three different types of contract logic to consider. The first type is contract assembly logic, used to create a contract that the parties involved could sign. The second type is contract definition logic, which describes the terms and conditions of the agreement in detail. Finally, we have […]

  • Duke Center on Law & Technology launches RAILS initiative

    The Duke Center on Law & Technology has launched the Responsible AI in Legal Services (RAILS) initiative to establish guidelines and best practices for the ethical and responsible use of AI in legal services. RAILS will educate legal professionals about AI technology, its potential applications, and the ethical considerations surrounding its use. The initiative will […]

  • How the LatAm Legal Tech Company Wolap Is Leveraging Data to Develop Legal E-Learning Programs

    Legal professionals need access to high-quality and up-to-date educational content to maintain their professional competence. However, creating and keeping that content current is a significant challenge. Ezequiel Braun Pellegrini, a legal technologist, stresses that maintaining content’s relevance is crucial in law, where content becomes outdated quickly. Wolap, a Latin American legal tech company, has solved […]