Learning the Law with AI: Why Law School Students Are Tentative about Using ChatGPT

While generative AI continues to grow in popularity within the legal community, some are concerned about the rate at which it’s being worked into legal practice – and the lack of checks and balances on the way it’s being used.

Surprisingly, law students – a generation that is digitally literate from a young age and highly receptive to new technology – are among the most apprehensive – particularly when it comes to the way law is taught. 

Law students concerns about generative AI point to one thing: lawyers should use ChatGPT with caution.

In its current form, generative AI is not a reliable legal tool as it requires more thorough testing and further updates before it can adequately service lawyers with accurate information. 

The legal community needs to have more conversations around generative AI’s ethical limitations and inherent biases. There needs to be more regulation and standardisation around its use cases to limit costly mistakes and professional liability.

Importantly there needs to be agreement around how ChatGPT is taught – as a tool – in law school. As students represent a group that is actively learning the mechanics of law offering eye-opening insights into generative AI’s shortcomings for practising lawyers on how ideas are 

  • generated, 
  • executed, and 
  • documented 

within a legal context. 

Source: Lawnext

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