Troutman Pepper Launches GPT-Powered AI Assistant

Troutman Pepper a Law firm with more than 1,200 attorneys in 23 U.S. cities has partnered with Microsoft to leverage OpenAI’s large language model (LLM) to release Athena, a firm-approved, ChatGPT application to help attorneys and business professionals safely and effectively use generative AI to improve workflows and enhance overall user and client experiences. 

While Athena is available to everyone at the firm, mandatory ethics training is required to ensure staff understand the risks, benefits, and ethical responsibilities associated with this technology.

Since May, the firm’s Marketing department has been using Athena to create first drafts of marketing materials, including press releases, social media captions, and attorney bios.

In the future, Athena will assist with legal work that is done following the firm’s – and client’s – policies and procedures regarding the use of generative AI. 

Source: Troutman Pepper



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