DLA Piper launches corporate bribery risk detection tool powered by AI

DLA Piper launched Aiscension, an AI-enabled service for detecting corporate bribery and Cartel risks. Developed in partnership with AI-powered e-Discovery software provider Reveal Brainspace. Aiscension works in over 100 languages and can be used to proactively and rapidly scan communications to identify potential risks across the entire supply chain to ensure compliance. 

DLA Piper lawyers trained the software to recognise various forms of bribery behaviour, such as the receiving or giving of bribes, bypassing internal protocols, kickbacks, and facilitation payments. Similarly, it can analyse vast amounts of data relevant to many forms of cartel activity, such as price fixing, market sharing, bid rigging, information exchange and collective boycotts.

Reveal’s end-to-end platform powers the custom model, which employs adaptive AI and behavioural analysis. Aiscension can analyse data in over 100 languages, as well as identify patterns and anomalies in large volumes of textual data. Leveraging the power of cutting-edge AI, businesses can significantly reduce the time spent on compliance reviews, freeing up resources to be deployed elsewhere.

DLA Piper will be offering the Aiscension service as part of Law& its enhanced legal offering

Source: Australasian Lawyer



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