Claude 3 models on Vertex AI

Anthropic has released Claude 3 Haiku and Claude 3 Sonnet on Google Cloud’s Vertex AI platform, making it easier for enterprises to access state-of-the-art models that enhance intelligence, speed, and cost using Google Cloud’s robust infrastructure and tools. The general availability of Claude 3 models provides organisations with safer and more reliable AI solutions on the cloud platform of their choice. Quora has already experienced positive outcomes from integrating Claude into the Poe app, and millions of messages are exchanged between users and Anthropic’s Claude-based bots daily. To begin working with Claude 3 Haiku and Claude 3 Sonnet on Vertex AI, visit the Model Garden console. In the upcoming weeks, Claude 3 Opus, the most capable and intelligent model to date, will be accessible on Vertex AI.

Source: Anthropic



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