By the Numbers: Six AI Questions for In-House Counsel in 2024

The prevalence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has risen significantly in the past year, with many firms incorporating the technology into their operations. However, with this increased usage comes a pressing need for regulations and guidelines that ensure ethical and responsible deployment of the technology.

The European Union (EU) has taken strides in this area by implementing regulations for AI technology developers and deployers. The United States (US), however, currently lacks federal AI legislation, but President Joe Biden recently issued an executive order aimed at establishing standards and testing for AI models.

As AI continues to permeate diverse industries, organisations face questions about how to govern its usage in a way that ensures safety. For example, some state bar associations are devising ethical guidelines to govern lawyers’ usage of AI, while courts scrutinise issues related to AI’s copyright implications.

Overall, with the widespread adoption of AI, firms and policymakers must collaborate to establish rules and regulations that promote ethical and responsible usage of this powerful technology.

Source: Bloomberg Law



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