A lawyer apologises after ChatGPT made up case law in an affidavit he submitted

Roberto Mata sued the airline Avianca for an injury suffered during a flight to Kennedy International Airport in New York.

Avianca sought a dismissal as the claim was limited by statute. Mr Mata’s lawyers objected, submitting a 10-page brief that cited more than half a dozen relevant court decisions. 

However, no one could find the decisions or the quotations cited and summarized in the brief because they were a product of ChatGPT hallucinations.

The lawyer who created the brief, deposed in an affidavit that the artificial intelligence program used to do his legal research was — “a source that has revealed itself to be unreliable.”

Source: Business insider.com





One response to “A lawyer apologises after ChatGPT made up case law in an affidavit he submitted”

  1. […] Mata vs. Avianca Airlines., Inc reinforces the need for responsible use guidelines of generative ai. […]

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